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Memoirs of the Wall Art Festival!《WAFの記憶》

Life is filled with journeys. The journeys are a part of our eternal search for destiny. It is the part of our route to destiny, which is also filled with hardships, failures, and successes. Further, the journeys toward our destiny are the seedlings of our wilderness.

Walking in the moonlight, humming silly Rajashri Productions' songs or laughing at idiotic things with your friends in a quiet village scene is one of the most unprecedented events in most of our lives. It marks the specialness of the night itself.

The most recent experience of mine was in a small village of Ganjad, which left me spellbound and satisfied. It was during the Wall Art Festival 2014, organized by a Japanese NGO. There I ended up interacting with a host of new emotions. The village air, the Japanese enthusiasm, the beauty of the nature, the innocence of the children, the beautiful art, all conjoined into one big bag of lovely experiences.

In my knowledge, we city dwellers care less about these experiences. I do not blame the person per se for this premise, its the lifestyle, the stress, the workload. Thus, the need to inculcate newer things in our lives.

Coming back to my experience. I had a mind-blowing time there, for sure!

Made lot of new friends. Took some stern decisions. Got a new life direction (more focussed this time!). Strengthened the bond with my close friends.

Not to mention, enjoyed the impeccable Japanese and Indian Food (Before you start wondering, Yuvraj DID NOT write about the food!)

Our primary work there, was to interpret and translate the Artist Talks from Japanese and Hindi to the native Marathi. But, in addition, I also got to experience the other volunteering work, which indeed was a lot of fun.

All in all, the experience of WAF '14 was an invaluable, unbelievable, thought provoking, pleasing and the most wonderful experience.

Before I conclude, I would like to thank Okazu-san and Akko-san, for letting me, rather us, be a part of this wonderful initiative! Also, I want to thank all the Japanese volunteers who had come all the way from Japan, who warmly welcomed us, communicated with us and made us a part of the group.

I will surely miss Eda-mon's food!

Also, to my dear friends who accompanied me throughout this wonderful journey, thanks a lot!



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