The other day, after watching Dhobi Ghat for the second time, Netflix suggested that I watch a Tamil movie called Sometimes (Tamil: Sila Samayangalil ). Interested by its plot, I decided to start watching this seemingly somber film. Well, I wasn’t disappointed, but neither was I amazed. I got what I expected. Before we get to that, I think I should dive a little deeper into the plot. Seven strangers, waiting in a blood test center’s waiting room for their HIV test results, decide to bribe the counter lady so that they can get to know their results as soon as possible. The counter lady finds out only half the information—one of the seven people is HIV-positive. Rather than relieving their stress, it increases the protagonists’ necessity to know the results. This is the basic plot, literally the one displayed on Netflix. This 2018 movie has the coveted Prakash Raj and Nasser. Prakash Raj, as usual, gives a stellar performance, whereas Nasser is present on screen for barely fiv...
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